First Freedom First Simulcast now online
0 Comments Published by A Reasonable Atheist on Tuesday, April 8, 2008 at 6:25 AM.
The First Freedom First simulcast, hosted by Americans United for Separation of Church and State and the Interfaith Alliance, is now available online. I was lucky enough to see this in person in Little Rock, and we had a decent turnout, about 40 people. Now you can share this with other people and get the word out that we as Americans, regardless of our religion, or lack of religion are protected by the first amendment, and that this right is under attack by a certain segment of the religious population in this country. The program was interesting, the token atheist representative was author Susan Jacoby, also Kevin Bacon and his band "The Bacon Brothers" did a couple of really good songs.
Take a look at the video and be sure to share it with others.
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